Face-to-face interviews conducted using printed questionnaires between the interviewer and the respondent. PAPI, or Paper and Pencil Interviewing, is ..
Face-to-face interviews conducted using laptops or other devices with suitable technological capacity between the interviewer and the respondent. A ..
Telephone interviews conducted using computer assistance between the interviewer and the respondent. CATI, or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewin ..
Internet-based questionnaires designed with special software programs completed by respondents. CAWI, or Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing, involves ..
Respondents receive and answer questions via smartphones. Mobile Research, or Computer-Assisted Mobile Interviewing (CAMI), utilizes smartphones to g ..
Information collection method based on sending printed questionnaires to predetermined respondent addresses, which are then returned to the center by ..
Studies that compile analytical information typically related to a sector or previously researched topics by integrating secondary sources and literat ..
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