Face-to-face interviews conducted using printed questionnaires between the interviewer and the respondent.

PAPI, or Paper and Pencil Interviewing, is a traditional and effective data collection technique used in field research. In this method, interviewers conduct face-to-face interviews with participants using pre-printed survey forms. PAPI is particularly useful in areas with low technology access or where the use of electronic devices is not feasible.

One of the key advantages of PAPI is the direct interaction between interviewers and participants. This interaction facilitates better understanding of questions and allows participants to provide more detailed responses. Interviewers can clarify questions and ensure the accuracy of responses, thereby enhancing data quality. Additionally, the completion rate of surveys is higher since interviewers can encourage participants to finish the survey.

PAPI is well-suited for research that involves complex questions and requires in-depth information. It is commonly used in social and demographic studies, customer satisfaction surveys, and various market research. Despite being a traditional method, PAPI remains relevant and holds a significant place in the research field.

Online Research – CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) Internet-based questionnaires designed with special software programs completed by respondents. CAWI, or Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing, involves.. Details
CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) Telephone interviews conducted using computer assistance between the interviewer and the respondent. CATI, or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewin.. Details
Mail Information collection method based on sending printed questionnaires to predetermined respondent addresses, which are then returned to the center by .. Details

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