Face-to-face interviews conducted using laptops or other devices with suitable technological capacity between the interviewer and the respondent.

API, or Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing, is a modern data collection method where interviewers conduct face-to-face interviews using laptops or other electronic devices. This method enhances the efficiency and accuracy of data collection by allowing real-time data entry and immediate validation of responses.

The use of technology in CAPI enables the inclusion of complex question structures, multimedia elements, and automated skip patterns, improving the overall quality of the survey. Additionally, it reduces the likelihood of data entry errors and speeds up the data processing time, making it a valuable tool in contemporary research.

CAPI is particularly effective in environments where accurate and timely data collection is critical. It is widely used in various fields such as market research, public opinion surveys, and social science studies. The ability to capture data electronically and transmit it instantly ensures that researchers can quickly analyze and act upon the information gathered, leading to more informed decision-making and strategic insights.

Online Research – CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) Internet-based questionnaires designed with special software programs completed by respondents. CAWI, or Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing, involves.. Details
CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) Telephone interviews conducted using computer assistance between the interviewer and the respondent. CATI, or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewin.. Details
CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) Face-to-face interviews conducted using laptops or other devices with suitable technological capacity between the interviewer and the respondent. A.. Details

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